Tuesday 26 May 2009

Online Food Hygiene Certificate

A little while ago I was contacted to see if I would be willing to do an online course in food hygiene and blog about the experience. The course is offered by Virtual college. At the moment I don't have any real need for a food hygiene certificate so I haven't looked for this kind of thing so don't know how this one compares. Even though I don't cook for commercial purposes I decided to take up this opportunity as food hygiene is important anyway.

I have done e learning courses before for study purposes (not food or hygiene related) and found this one was well designed, easy to navigate and everything was well explained. There were frequent mini self tests to aid in learning the material and a final test to pass. A few days after completing the module I received my certificate in the post (very prompt). I didn't do the course all in one sitting but you could as it only takes 2-3 hours. It costs £25 + VAT. I think this is a good alternative if you need a food hygiene certificate but can not get to a face to face course.

To find out more about the course click here.

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goodshoeday said...

Ah this is useful have been thinking about doing a food hygiene cert for various reasons so I'll go and check this one out.

johnseomaven said...

Food Hygiene Training is really important for employees who manage and handle foods. This course is designed to guide employees about proper cleanliness and preparation of foods. This also provides the necessary information to prevent contact from bacteria, food borne illnesses and other diseases.

Unknown said...

If you work with food that is served to the public you are required Food hygiene certificate from Purely food.